The Artist is a beautiful short story written by Shiga Naoya, a famous Japanese writer. The Artist unfurls before us the world of a talented Japanese boy, Seibei. It shows how the adult world often causes damage to such talent.
Gourd: large fleshy fruit of a trailing plant
Sen: Japanese currency
Sake: a Japanese drink made from rice
Dregs: the last few drops left in a glass
Pate: head
Gnarled: twisted or wrinkled
Symmetrical: well- shaped
Disgust: violent distaste
Persimmon: a yellow fruit, also called – dateplum
Incensed: made angry
Effeminate: womanish
Raucous: harsh-sounding
Confiscate: take away
Inconspicuous: not easily noticed
Vindictive: determined to punish
Rhetoric: forceful speech
Bawl: speak noisily
Porter: attendant
Yen: unit of currency in Japan
Engrossed: absorbed
- From the book - Tales of All Times,
Selected & Edited by P V Ramachandran