B.P. Dhungana: मधुमेह नियन्त्रण तथा रोकथाम Diabetes Control & Prevention


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मधुमेह नियन्त्रण तथा रोकथाम Diabetes Control & Prevention

Supported by:
World Diabetes Foundation
( Dr.Mandeep Dahiya: Scientific Based Homeopathy, YouTube )
In this video i will show the scientific approach for the diabetes with the explanation in the homeopathic system and ancient methods and what science say about all about the sugar.

Dr. Mandeep Dahiya - PHD, HMO-AB, BHMS. Age 32. Describe the truth about authentic homeopathic If you would like information contact our customer services at +919780497375 medicine and exposing propaganda of fake information about medicine on internet. And mail on drmandeepdahiya@gmail.com. And autoimmune disease. He has conducted hundred's of seminars on health relative topics.

Dr.Dahiya is specialized in curing the patient with combination of modern techniques and ancient true laws of homeopathy, now they are popular for their d-addiction programme and trained doctors. Currently working as medical officer in homeopathic medical college. 
Dr Mandeep Dahiya presently lived in India.
मधुमेह नियन्त्रण गर्ने  खानेकुराहरू:
सिस्नोको सागजामुनग्रीन टी ( Green tea )पेरिविंकल  फ्लावर Periwinkle flower ), अमला (Indian goose-berry), घिउकुमारी, तुलसीको बीज ( कालो गेडा ) / Basil Seed, हर्रो, बर्रो आदि  सप्तरंगी गाईको गौंतमा मिसाएर ३ वर्षसम्म सेवन गरे लामो समयसम्म सुगर रोगबाट छुट्कारा पाइन्छ भन्ने विश्वास छ ।

यो रोगको दीर्घकालीन समाधान :
बिहान सँधै पसीना निस्कने गरी दगुर्ने वा हिड्ने ( Work up a good sweat by Jogging / Morning-walk every morning )
नियमितरूपले जिम / योग वा व्यायाम गर्ने ( Work up a good sweat by doing any Exercise / Gym or Yoga regularly )
यति गर्न सके सुगर नियन्त्रण गर्ने कुनै औषधि सेवन गर्नु पर्दैनखानपानमा त्यति धेरै ध्यान दिनु पनि पर्दैन तर समय-समयमा डाक्टर कहाँ गएर सुगर टेस्ट गर्नुपर्छ । 

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