B.P. Dhungana: By Combining Our Expertise And Experience About The Security Of Internet Users, Especially Vulnerable Kids, & employees, We’ve Built ClevGuard: Trustworthy Tracking And Monitoring Solution


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By Combining Our Expertise And Experience About The Security Of Internet Users, Especially Vulnerable Kids, & employees, We’ve Built ClevGuard: Trustworthy Tracking And Monitoring Solution

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We are always striving to make ClevGuard the most reliable and trustworthy smart phone tracking and computer monitoring program. We focus a great deal on user trust and adopt every user’s ideas. Up to now, ClevGuard is always dedicated to become preferred choice in parental control industry.

Our highly proficient team of data security experts have gone above and beyond the call of duty to build customer data security solutions for globally renowned companies. At ClevGuard we’re dedicated toward helping you protect your loved ones and secure your data.

ClevGuard is the one-stop solution provider for parental control and remote monitoring across the globe. Its products included cell phone monitoring compatible with Android and iOS.

Privacy of your data was our prime concern while designing the product, and we've ensured that your data stay with you, and not us.

We are a big family. And customers are also the part of the family.

We are permanently striving to win the customer's support and trust.

With our straightforward approach and service, the customers can easily simplify their lives.


Coupon Code: CG-JULY20

This code provides an additional 20% discount on all the Clevguard products. Limited time offer.


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