B.P. Dhungana: The Eskimoes


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The Eskimoes

The Eskimoes have many ways of resisting the Arctic winter like rubbing blubber on their faces, wearing many layers of caribou skin, building up body fat and ensuring that their igloos are well-heated and insulated. ( from “English for further education” – Constance Hawkins / Roger Strangwick )

Many  Eskimoes no longer live as they used to. They live in houses, and they work in factories and for American oil companies. Many Eskimoes have become completely Americanised – they wear Western clothes, they go to school, and most of them speak English. Instead of hunting and fishing, they buy food from supermarkets: they even buy frozen meat and vegetables.( from  “Meanings into words”- Adrian Doff, Christopher Jones and Keith Mitchell )

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